Flight schedules


Airport Klagenfurt
You can download the flight schedule 2023 here.

Vienna Airport
The flight schedules can be found online at https://www.viennaairport.com.

Airport Graz
The flight schedules can be found online at https://www.flughafen-graz.at.

Airport Salzburg
The flight schedules can be found online at https://www.salzburg-airport.com.

Munich Airport
The flight schedules can be found online at https://www.munich-airport.de.

Ljubljana Airport
The flight schedules can be found online at https://www.lju-airport.si.

Trieste Airport
The flight schedules can be found online at https://triesteairport.it/en/airport/.

Treviso Airport
The flight schedules can be found online at https://www.trevisoairport.it/en/.

Venezia Airport
The flight schedules can be found online at https://www.veneziaairport.it/en/.


Ihr Team vom Kärnten Transfer

Wir freuen uns schon sehr, Sie bald in Kärnten begrüßen zu dürfen
und Sie ins Quartier "shutteln" zu können.